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School Improvement - Priorities and Performance

Priorities for 2023-2024

Area of focus 


Outline of Actions 

Success Criteria including Outcomes for Learners 

Strategic Objective 1 

The Quality of Education 

To improve the rates of progress to increase attainment across the school   

  1. Improve feedback to ensure it is effective in all classes, allowing pupils to make better progress.   

  1. Develop teachers understanding and use of assessment  

  1. Provide tailored CPD to develop teachers subject knowledge in the areas that they are least confident in.   

Feedback for improvement is evident in pupil books and supports pupils in making better progress.  

Teachers have a clear understanding of the expectations for their year groups and as a result plan and teach high quality lessons to meet the intent of the curriculum.  

Improved subject knowledge of teachers supports the greater challenge of pupils. As a result attainment rises .  

Progress scores at the end of KS2 are positive.  

Progress in writing at the end of KS1 is above expected and attainment rises.  

Strategic Objective 2 

The Effectiveness of Leadership and Management 

To develop leadership skills of middle leaders to increase capacity for further improvement  

  1. Develop strategic planning skills amongst Middle Leaders in order for them to make an impact on wider school improvement.  

  1. Develop monitoring and feedback skills to ensure support staff are utilised to make positive impact on the children.  

  1. Develop training in coaching to enable Middle Leaders to support improvement in Teaching and Learning.   

There is a clear plan in place to develop future leaders and ensure succession of any leadership role in school.  

Leaders have a clear understanding of the impact that their work is having and can identified clear areas of improvement.  

Pupils attainment increases due to the effectiveness of support provided by leaders.    

Strategic Objective 3 




To develop the Christian Distinctiveness of the school to enable children to flourish in line with the school vision  


  1. Develop the school community’s understanding of the Christian Distinctiveness of the school   

  1. Improve the teaching of RE  

3. Develop pupil involvement in worship and RE  

Teachers subject knowledge is stronger, allowing them to address misconceptions and challenge pupils meaning that the teaching of RE is at least good across the school  

Outcomes for pupils in RE at the end of KS2 are at least in line with writing.  

The school’s vision and values are embedded and this can be evidenced through monitoring   

Robust and regular monitoring demonstrates the impact of the school vision on pupil outcomes