Collective Worship
Our recent SIAMs Health-Check (May 2019) stated that:
Collective Worship a valued part of the school day. Staff and students talk about it as important. Students were very positive about the impact of Collective Worship, the themes, the ‘fun activities’ and the opportunity it gave them to reflect on their day and on their relationship with God.
Worship is an important part of the school day. Everyday the school join together to take part in an inclusive act of worship which is rooted in the teachings of the Bible. On Wednesday we are visited by a member of the local clergy who lead our act of worship. Once a term every class lead an act of worship and parents are invited. You can find the dates for these on our newsletter.
Below you can find a list of the worship themes for Spring 2024:
- Epiphany: offering our best to God
- Jesus' miracles: Water into wine
- Jesus' miracles: Feeding the 5000
- Jesus' miracles: Walking on water
- Jesus' miracles: Raising Lazarus
- Moses, Prince of Egypt: The burning bush
- Moses, Prince of Egypt: Let my people go
- Mothering Sunday focus
- Moses, Prince of Egypt: Passover & Exodus
- Palm Sunday focus
- Holy Week
Weekly Reflection
This week we are thinking about Moses (Prince of Egypt). We have thought about how we can help with challenging things and how we can be still in the presence of God. We learnt the story of Mose and 'The Burning Bush'.
We have praised God by singing Be Still and My Lighthouse.