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RE Curriculum

At Cowley St Laurence we follow the LDBS syllabus for Religious Education. RE is taught every week for 1 hour across the school.

Taken from the Religious Education in Church of England Schools - A Statement of Entitlement, the aims of Religious Education in Church schools are:

  • To enable pupils to know about and understand Christianity as a living faith that influences the lives of people worldwide and as the religion that has most shaped British culture and heritage.
  • To enable pupils to know and understand about other major world religions and world views, their impact on society, culture and the wider world, enabling pupils to express ideas and insights.
  • To contribute to the development of pupils’ own spiritual/philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their own beliefs and values.

Further aims of the LDBS syllabus:

  • To enable all children to become religiously literate.
  • To ensure RE enables all children to live life in all its fullness – vision for Education (Church of England)

To offer a systematic enquiry- based approach to the teaching of RE so that the following skills in children can be developed:

  • Ability to be critical thinkers
  • Ability to ask deep and meaningful questions
  • Ability to make connections within and across religions and world views.
  • Ability to reflect, respond and express their own opinions and beliefs.
  • Ability to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief based on a deep knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews belief systems, values and practices.

To offer units of learning that:

  • Are rooted in theological concepts, strong subject knowledge and content.
  • Offer challenge and an in-depth exploration of religion/belief and practices.
  • Offer motivating, engaging and creative lessons for all children.
  • Provide opportunities for children to develop empathy towards people of similar or differing religious or world views to their own.
  • Progression of learning both in terms of knowledge and understanding and skills across the primary age range.

To ensure the teaching of RE supports and enhances:

  • The Christian vision of the school Contributes significantly to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children
  • Takes note of the Religious Education Church of England Schools – Statement of Entitlement The Church of England’s vision for Education – every person deserves to live a ‘life in all its fullness.’

An overview of our RE curriculum can be found below.

For more information please click here.